Here are some free tips to help you lead an organized lifestyle!
I have a hard time throwing things away. How do I get better at getting rid of things?
De-cluttering and getting organized is a very personal and sometimes emotional process. Try your best to separate emotions from possessions. Determine what is truly valuable to you and save those items. Do not feel pressured to get rid of everything at once. Do one item at a time, and always go at your own pace.
How do I start this process? It seems so daunting.
Getting organized is definitely a process that takes time. One of the things I do as an organizer is help people get through each step stress free. If you do not have an organizer with you, I suggest you start by separating everything into 3 piles – keep, trash, and donate/sell. I can assure you, you are off to a great start if you start by sorting and categorizing.
I always feel so overwhelmed. How do I organize my day better?
“To do” lists are essential in making sure your day runs smoothly. Each night before you go to bed (or right when you wake up) write down the top three things you need to accomplish, and FOCUS on getting those things done. You can write down additional things on your list, but keep them in the order of their importance. As your day goes on, keep checking off everything you completed and you will feel AWESOME!
The “I’ll put it here for now” phrase.
Everyone has said this phrase before, and as good as it sounds at the time, it is one of the worst phrases ever! Chances are if you put something in an area temporarily to take care of it later, you probably won’t do it for a long time. I strongly encourage you to take care of it in that moment. Otherwise, piles will start to form and then clutter, and then you become overwhelmed. Take the extra minute to get it done right then and there!